Men in their forties and beyond often complain of fatigue, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and depression. Psychological problems and medical illness are often confounders to the andropause or low testosterone problem. Such illness that can confuse diagnosis of low testosterone include depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Certain medications like pain killers can also act to decrease testosterone levels.
We at the Opal Medical Clinic in Houston, Texas do a complete patient history and a careful examination before deciding if you really need testosterone treatment. We do exclude conditions that can cause low testosterone syndromes, but not necessarily needing Low testosterone treatment. If you have low testosterone, we try to determine if it is caused by a pituitary or a testicular problem. In order words, we determine if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism. We also try to exclude reversible causes of low testosterone. Besides total & free testosterone testing, we do diagnostic testing with clomiphene, HCG, aromatase inhibitors etc., and can consider treatments with non-testosterone modalities.
To achieve excellence, we combine our clinical skills with state of the art laboratory tests to obtain an accurate diagnosis of symptomatic hypogonadism or the andropause syndrome. The Opal Medical Clinic in Houston, Texas opened in 2007 and is one of the first expert led Clinic in the country to offer diagnosis and treatment of straightforward or complex low testosterone problems. We have patients coming from the Houston area, and as far as Mexico, Canada, and the Middle East. Besides diagnosis and just offering testosterone treatment, we offer a complete approach and offer wellness examinations. In our programs, we include weight loss, nutritional and exercise counseling. In our weight loss programs, we help calculate calorie requirements for you and give advice on how to regain testosterone naturally. We can also advise on the types of exercises that will help with building up testosterone.
We are the premier site for a comprehensive men’s health program, that goes beyond diagnosing the type of testosterone deficiency problem that you have. We go a step further in helping change your life. Come visit the expert testosterone Center in Houston.
Testosterone, Houston, Harris County, Texas