The Opal Medical Clinic is unique in the sense that it is led by a physician who is trained in Gerontology & Age Management, but also has a special interest in Endocrinology. For definition purposes, Endocrinology is the study of the working of the endocrine system and hormones. The endocrine system consists of several glands in different parts of the body, to include the thyroid, reproductive system, pancreas and bones. They secrete hormones directly into the blood. Hormones have many different functions and modes of action and include thyroid, insulin, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone and others. On the other hand, Gerontology is the study of Aging and looks at the different reasons why people age. Combining the two specialties often involves the field of Age Management or sometimes called Anti-Aging.
In general, endocrine disorders fall into three groups- 1) too little hormone: hormone deficiency 2) too much of a hormone: hormone excess 3) tumors (benign or malignant) of endocrine glands. In the field of Age Management, we often deal with hormone deficiencies that come with the passage of time or a result of a disease. Restoring hormone scan lead to reversal of symptoms and improvement in the quality of life.
Often, an endocrinologist can find out if a person has one of these diseases by doing blood tests. They can test a person’s blood to find out if they have too much or too little of a hormone. An example of this is Type 1 diabetes. People who have Type 1 diabetes do not have enough of a hormone called insulin. Another example is to find out whether a person is suffering from hypogonadism or low testosterone. An aging male can be significantly affected by declining testosterone concentrations which impact upon sexual function, libido and detrimental changes in body composition, which may make the male less attractive. It is sometimes called Andropause. Testosterone is also of some value in the post-menopausal female particularly with regards to menopausal related decline in libido. Thus it is important to recognize the importance of hormonal manipulation as a component in the treatment.
Growth Hormone concentrations decline gradually with age. The term Somatopause has sometimes been used to define an age-related deficiency of growth hormone, which may contribute to the ageing process through detrimental changes in body composition and reduced skin thickness. Consequently, Growth Hormone therapy is another hormonal treatment used by the age management doctors.
At the Opal Medical Clinic, we not only treat endocrine related aging issues, but are active in research. Our work has appeared in peer reviewed medical journals and we have also presented at meetings such as American Academy Clinical Endocrinologists, American Society of Andrology, Sexual Medicine Society of North America, A4M and others. Besides managing aging and endocrine issues, we also take a comprehensive approach and manage the patient as a whole and complete person.
Endocrinologist, Hormones, Houston, Texas